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Learn from Women's Grandmaster

Learnig chess is easy now, You can make moves easily. Join with Pica to learn advanced chess training.

Absolute Beginner Level – Who will learn ?

Those who are new to chess with willingness and interest to learn. You can learn in this course these things. Introduction to the Game of Chess, Nature of the Game, Origin & Colourful History of the Game, Chessboard & Chessmen, Rules for Moving & Capturing, Chess Notations, Special Chess Moves in Castling & En-Passant, What is a Check?, Principles to get the King out of Check, Values of Forces, Checkmate. 

Advanced Beginner Level – Who will learn ?

This is for second level people. Those who know the basics can join this course. You will learn Basic Checkmate with Rooks, Basic Checkmate with a Queen, Art of Delivering Checkmate in One Move, Techineques to Win Material, Do the Right Exchange, Basic of Opening Startegy, Basic End Game Startegy, Learning about the Centre Control, Develop Pieces Development,Checkmate Pattern.


Those who are completed advanced beginner, They can join this course. You can learn in this course these things. Advanced Checkmates Patterns, Introduction to Chess Tactics, Endgame Checkmates, Backrank Checkmates, Discovered Checkmates, Double Attacks in Chess, PIN, FORK, Attacking Patterns.


Those who are new to chess with willingness and interest to learn. You can learn in this course these things. The Opposition Concept, Box Technique, Pawn Endings, Advanced Tactics, Rook Endgames, Queen v/s Pawn endgame, Understanding Pawn Structures, Find the Good/Bad piece, Piece Manoeuvering, How to Calculate in Chess, Practise Games & Analysis.

FOR EXPERTS CHESS PLAYERS What you will learn ?

Those who are new to chess with willingness and interest to learn. You can learn in this course these things. Bishop & Knight Checkmate, Decoy Technique, Overloaded Piece, Passed Pawn, Zwischenzug Technique, X-Ray Attack, Understanding World Champion Moves, Think like a Grandmaster, Puzzle Test, Minor piece endgames, Tournament practice.